Warriors Vote Campaign

CLIENT: Kara Lindaman 

Professor and Chair of Political Science/Public Administration/ Ethnic Studies

We aimed to create that sense of importance and urgency that has proven to increase college student participation. We did this by creating an eye-catching identity, provoking, and powerful. Thus, the campaign Time is Up; Up to Us was formed. We chose to utilize colors apart from the university theme to make it stand out from the large mass of information that is posted throughout the Winona State University campus. Our visuals included the use of black and white photos that would cause some sort of reaction in the viewer—whether it was a good reaction or a bad one. These photos included women in situations that could be viewed as oppressive or apocalyptic, photos of protests, and photos of young boys shouting. This risky approach was chosen because we aimed to find something atypical since the current approach was not proving effective.


Creating a call to action that is powerful enough to get a response from students is tricky. We found that students often feel intimidated by voting because they don’t know enough about the process, the candidates, or where you can vote. These three challenges could all have their own book of content depending on the depth you want to provide. Finding methods to create content for students that is clear, concise, and comprehensive is just as risky and complicated as it sounds.


University Theme


Welcome Kits