Killer Personality

This game began as a class project that grew to be something much more. I wanted to create a game that was visually stunning, fun, challenging, and, most importantly, different from all the other games on the market right now.

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  • The game works by giving each player a folder that creates their character, or personality. This is determined by trait cards that explain your interests and possessions. Players also receive objectives that they must complete throughout the game to find the killer—something like “find the player with 2 pet dogs.”

    At the beginning of the round, one of these players is assigned as the killer for the round and must try their best to lie and remain undiscovered by the other players. The rules are simple: if you are not the killer, you must answer questions regarding your personality truthfully. This means, the killer must cleverly lie their way through the game to win. If the killer is not discovered in the round’s timeframe, they win. The innocent players must complete their objectives before they are allowed to make any accusations. Accusations include guessing the killer and their murder weapon. Their accusation must be 100% correct, or they are out of the game—so the stakes are high. Players are also given a single “prove it” card that allows them to test a player's claims to see if they are truthful.

    The gamemaster acts as the ghost of the individual who was killed. They set up the round and wait for players to present their personal accusations—since they are the only one who knows who the killer is. They begin the round by explaining the murder story which provides some clues and red herrings to the players who are trying to solve the mystery.

    This game is unique because each player chooses the weapon they would use from the room you play the game in—so it can change every time you play. It is also not your typical tabletop game. Players must get up and interact with one another to get the necessary information to win the game. This often includes secret meetings and eavesdropping among players. It’s also highly replayable since many aspects are variable; the gameplay and personalities of each player changes every game.

    Right now the game allows for 8 players and 1 gamemaster. Play time can vary from 15-30min per round.


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